Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Fake History Alert: Because Whites Were Never Enslaved, DEI Must Continue

By Raymond Ibrahim

[B]ecause the ancestors of white Americans have never been enslaved, whites can never know what true oppression is. So argued Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) at a recent hearing on DEI (“diversity, equity, and inclusion”).  At one point she yelled out:

You tell me which white man was dragged out of their homes! 

You tell me which one of them got dragged all the way across an ocean and told that you’re gunna go to work!  We’re gunna steal your wives—we’re gunna rape your wives. That didn’t happen—that is oppression!

Such statements reveal a staggering level of ignorance. Untold millions of white people have been enslaved, raped, and forced into labor since well before recorded history. And not a few of their enslavers were non-whites.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Texas Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Transition-Related Care for Minors

Not Dead Yet Comment on Proposed Texas Futility Regulations

Dear Chief Counsel: 

Not Dead Yet [headed by Diane Coleman, pictured here] is a national disability rights organization focused on combatting disability- based healthcare discrimination, particularly in the context of advanced or terminal illness. Our comment concerns the regulations to implement the 2023 amendments to the Texas Advance Directives Act governing DNR orders and medical futility conflicts (H.B. 3162) proposed by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

Section 166.046 of the Texas Health and Safety Code now requires an ethics or medical committee that reviews a physician’s refusal to honor an advance directive or health care or treatment decision to consider the patient’s wellbeing and not make any judgment on the patient’s quality of life.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Can States Constitutionally Ban Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia for Children?

The Texas Supreme Court recently heard arguments concerning the constitutionality of a statute banning gender affirming care for minors. The court considered analogous hypotheticals such as medical aid in dying [previously known as assisted suicide and euthanasia] for children.  

If a parent and physician agreed [that] MAID [medical aid in dying, was] in a child's best interest, could the state ban MAID? 

Friday, March 22, 2024

US Senator Marco Rubio, Colleagues, Question Pfizer's Position on Medically Assisted Suicide

Press Release 02/28/24 

A recent report exposed Pfizer’s financial assistance to Dying with Dignity Canada (DWDC), raising questions about its stance on assisted suicide. DWDC has pushed to expand the eligibility for “medically assisted death” to children as young as 12 years old. Pfizer’s support for DWDC raises concerns that it is complicit in prematurely ending lives. 

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and colleagues sent a letter to Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla regarding Pfizer’s donations to DWDC, and the company’s stance on “medically assisted death.”